The first stop was the scale (I hate that!) – 140 # (height, 5′ 6″) – then the exam room. It was like all the doctor’s offices I had been in as a child – except for the exam table, which had an ominous-looking pair of posts rising from one end, to which were attached a couple of footrests. I had heard the other girls talk about “pelvic exams,” and “putting your feet in the stirrups.” Now I understood – or thought I did. The receptionist handed me off to the Nurse, Mrs. Adlequist, who was a chubby redhead about 35 – very professional, all business, but with a nice manner.
“Now, Amy,” she said, Doctor wants me to explain the details of what you’re here for while I take your vital signs and blood pressure.” She continued, “the point of this exam is to determine two things: first, that you’re healthy enough to handle the difficulties of college, and then to see if there’s anything major that we need to know about while you’re here. Doctor will examine all of your major systems – lungs, cardiovascular, muscular, glands, digestive, and reproductive (I shuddered at the word “reproductive” – I knew what THAT meant), and so forth. We’ll take a blood sample, a urine specimen, and then that’s it.”
I could tell there was something she wasn’t saying – she was looking at me very strangely, as if to gauge my reactions. But I passed it off as the fears of an overworked teenage girl’s mind. She was done with the blood pressure, and gave me the cup and asked me to go pee. I took the cup from her, and went to the bathroom. I closed the door. I dropped my panties, sat down, and reached under myself with the cup and began to pee.
Only then did I look up. Hanging on a hook on the door was the biggest enema bag I had ever seen. I almost choked, nearly dropped the cup, and peed all over my hand. I had received an enema or two from Mom. The feelings were unpleasant, strange, and stimulating. I knew such things were “medical,” but that was the LAST thing I expected to see in the bathroom! I couldn’t help but look at it. It was red, open at the top, smelled of rubber, and had a long black rubber hose with a clamp near the end. Attached to the black rubber hose was a shorter hose, about 3 feet long, that was as thick as my thumb, and had a hole in the end and on the side near the end.