God knows how long she had been doing this. I could still hear everyone out back, just a few feet away. The fear of being caught mixed with the swift strokes of her hand and the soft sucking of her mouth made me erupt. Shot after shot of my hot cum shot in to her [...]
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I wasn’t ready for this redwigged, big shoe wearing, face painted clown to be at the door. When i got over my initial surprise, i pointed her to the group of kids and went back in to the living room to watch tv and finish off my beers. Now, what happened next is still fuzzy, [...]
Filed under: Clown | Comment (0)
Nineteen ninety eight. Yeah, that sounds about right. I was just hanging out at my sisters waiting for her kids birthday party to over with. Always the same bullshit. A whole shitload of little bastards running around, getting in my way and pissing me off. I had better shit to be doing, i could be [...]
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